Thursday 25 September 2008


Hi my name is Monish and this is my first Blog.

I have just begun my FDA in Broadcast Media, but previously I achieved two BTEC qualifications in Media Moving Image and Music Practice at Weston College.
The reason why I have decided to do the FDA is not just because of financial matters but also the course covers the areas that I am most interested in like TV and Radio production.
What I am hoping to achieve on this course is to gain more experience in working within the media industry and hopefully earn a high pass rate at the end of my learning.
The areas I am mainly interested in is camera work and film. I would like to develop some more knowledge and confidence in the sound production side, as it would be just as useful as having skills in making films.

During my BTEC days I was offered the opportunity via the college to participate in some work experience with Endemole West on the show 'Deal or No Deal' and Gala bingo for two weeks. This experience has been very useful as it has given me the confidence to make the first step in the industry.


Kim Brooke said...

This is a good start with 2 logos, 1 photo and 8 links. recheck the links don't work and think of where the viewer or reader would like to be taken when they click on them.

Kim Brooke said...

All the links now work and take the viewer to a good place each time. A great improvement.