Wednesday 22 April 2009

R.A.F. Flowerdown House

Hello Everyone!

Recently we filmed some more interviews with WW2 Veterans and Civilians at the R.A.F. Flowerdown House for our group project. We began filming at the location at 2:00pm as it was the most confinient time for them.

Compared to our first attempt at filming the interviews at the Somerset Legion House the second attempt I felt was alot more successful. It was successful becuase we were alot more confident with our overall approach to the contributers and we knew what sort of answers that they were going to give.

The total of interviews that we had filmed in this session was four as they were the only ones who were the most happiest to participate. Out of these four we found that only two of them were the best interviews to use for the film, as the other two unfortunatley were either too ill or suffering from memory loss.

After the doing the interviews we then gained permission to film some cutaway shots around the guest house as it has lots of artifacts, photos and memorabilia of the R.A.F. which we all found very interesting.

After filming the cuttaway shots it was now 6:30pm which by then we decided to wrap up for the day as we have filmed enough for what we needed.

The next stage for us all now is to begin the editing sequence where we would all go through all the footage that we have filmed and work as a group to help create the final cut.

1 comment:

Kim Brooke said...

3 xphotos, 1 x logo, 1 x diagram, 11 links.