Monday 6 October 2008

Intro to Sounds

Hello Again!

Today we had a group introduction to the basic physics of the nature of sound with our tutor Ace Taylor.

During the introduction we learnt the meanings of:
  • Decibels (DB) which measures the amplitude of the sound pressure levels in the air. It was invented by scientist Alexander Graham Bell (3rd March 1847 - 2nd August 1922)

  • Pitch which is measured in Hz (Hertz) that records a number of events that happen every cycles per second. Hz was invented by a German physicist Henrich Hertz (22nd February 1857 - 1st January 1894).

We also exlpored the way how sound travels due to compression between each individual molecule that is found in the air.
Ace also introduced us to the Doppler Effect which was discovered by Christian Doppler.

The Doppler Effect means a rapid change of frequency and wavelength of a moving object (for example a sound of a ambulance siren approaching and passing the stationary listener)

It was now time to put our learning into practice by starting the first excercise of our module BC1002. The excersise we are required to do is to go and record vox pops with the use of sound equipment in order to create a short edited session for our proffessional edit.

The sound equipment that I would be using today are the Fostex FR-2LE and the Sony Mini Disc recorder Type S. The Microphone that I used where an SM-57.

The topic that I would be asking people about would be centred around the most recent destruction of the Grand Pier. The question that I would be asking people is "What is your fondest memory of the Grand Pier?"

During the collecting the vox pops I was thinking upon the possible places of where to place the microphone in order to get a good quality recording. But with the lack of sound experience that I have it was quite a hard technique that could be overcame with practice.

After collecting the vox pops we then imported the sound files into a audio software known as ProTools where we will begin to edit the tracks down into a 30 second session.

1 comment:

Kim Brooke said...

A very good entry with 1 video, 9 illustrations, 6 photos and 15 links. Some of the links are not working e.g. FR-2CE, Protools and vox pops, and some of the vox pops go to the Media College home page and the SM57 goes to the Sound on sound home page. Can you re-check them. A good idea to take photos of the screen you are editing on. A good covering of the technical side of lessons. Don't forget to make entries on the other subjects covered, especially job roles, go to the skillset site, and the regulatory bodies such as ofcom and barb.