Sunday 19 October 2008

Radio Programme

Hello Again!!!

Today we were introduced to another module BC1003. In this new module we are required to produce a 5 minute radio programme on a factual subject of our choice.

Before we began thinking up ideas we listened to some radio programmes, which previous students had created so that we could hopefully get some inspiration for our project.

The first programme we listened to was about a sleeping condition called Insomnia.

After listening to the programe I had listed some good points along with some bad points.

Good Points:
  • I found the programme to be very informative. I found this useful becuase it delivered lots of information about what the condition is and the effects it has on the sufferers. Again it gave information about how to treat insomnia along with giving some contact details to people who specialise in treating people.
  • The proggrame had very interesting interviews with doctors who explained what the condition is along with the causes and symptoms for people who are experiencing this to come foward and recieve treatment.
  • The programme had very interesting facts about famous people who suffer from insomnia, which still kept me intersted in continuing to listen.

Bad Points

  • Unfortunately I didn't take to their radio jingle due to it was far too long and I found it to be a little off putting.
  • I found that their vox pops was too long and due to it was a closed question the answers were short and samey.

The second radio programme that we listened to were about buses.

Again after listening to the programe I had come up with some good and bad points.

Good Points:

  • I found the programme to be very innovative to listen to because of the interesting storys about buses that were very entertaining.
  • I thought that there was a good selection and choice of music used throughout the programme that really worked for me becuase it helped settle into different moods between each story as if you were going on a bit of a journey.

Bad Points:

  • I found that there wasn't a clear linear structure through out the programme because it started off with discussing about the new hybrid buses along with some vox pops. But then with out any warning it changed into telling amusing stories about events that happened on buses, which inheritently are more interesting but unfortunantly it didn't make any sense of what the programme is about.

After listening to these radio programmes we then each adopted the roles of Production Developer and then started thinking about the subject for which I am hoping to make my programme about.

The subject that I have thought of basing my programme on is the history of the Mods and the Rockers.

The reason why I had thought of this idea is because I had always been interested in the different trends that people follow in particular the Mods and the Rockers. This happened so long ago that it would enable us to talk about all our yesterdays. And during the programme I thought it would be good to compare the old to modern trends like the Chavs and the Emos and have a quick debate to whether it is simular or disimular to 40 years ago.

But due to there are only four students on the course we all grouped together to create one production team, which unfortunately we had to use only one idea. I sadly had to ditch my idea becuase the rest of the group weren't that keen on it due to it wouldn't be that easy to find the suitable resources.

In the end we then decided to base our programme on how commercialised christmas is and compare it to what it might have been like 50 years ago. We thought that this would be a good idea becuase with the advent of the chritmas season coming up would supply us with lots of fantastic oppertunities for interviews, vox pops and it is a topic that a majority of people are interested in.

At the end of the meeting we decided that each of us would split the research tasks between each of us so that next next meeting we could compare all our findings and help the project to progress.


Kim Brooke said...

Hi, A very good blog entry with 18 unique links (2 not working mods & rockers & one other), 4 photos and 1 video. A good description and analysis of your work on the course. Don't forget to spell check before publishing. Keep it up. Kim.

Kim Brooke said...

Hi, A very good blog entry with 18 unique links (2 not working mods & rockers & chavs blocked by weston), 4 photos and 1 video. A good description and analysis of your work on the course. Don't forget to spell check before publishing. Keep it up. Kim.