Tuesday 2 December 2008

My Interview


Today I was preparing for my interview for which I intend to use for our radio programme Is Christmas too Commercial and how would the Recession affect it?

The person that I am interviewing is a owner of a Greek restaurant called The Weston Omelette & Grill, which is located in Weston-Super-Mare.

The for this interview I will be taking on two roles which are Interviewer and Production Sound Mixer.

The time for my interview was for 3:00 p.m. so I had plenty of time to prepare the questions and to book out the Fostex recorder.

The questions that I prepared to ask for the interview where:
  • How important is the Christmas trade to the business?

  • Has the Credit Crunch affected trades this year?

  • Have you had any cutbacks to the amount of employees you take on?
  • What are your predictions for sales next Christmas?
As 3:00 p.m. was looming I headed over to the restaurant where I managed to arrive there early and set up the equipment as my interviewee was making her self comfortable.

Before we began the interview I showed her the questions as she wished so that she could prepare her answers as she was naturally nervous. I also did a sound check to make sure that her levels we ok.

We began the interview at 3:05 p.m.
During the interview I was checking the sound levels and making sure that the equipment was recording the responses successfully along with the placements of the microphone.

Fortunately my interviewer wasn't microphone shy and gave me good answers to each of my questions.
The interview ended at about 3:45 p.m.

My Role as Production Sound Mixer
I thought that I carried out this role to an acceptable standard. I felt confident with the equipment that I was handling and I didn't get into any difficulties or problems.
The areas that I need to improve on is to listen very carefully and be aware to any unwanted sounds that might ruin the recording.

My Role as Interviewer
I thought that I handled this role resonabally well. I put alot of thought into the questions that I was intending to ask and thinking about the answers that I am aiming for during the interview.
The areas that I can improve on is to be more confident in asking the questions and not to be to nervous or shy whilst conducting the interview.

1 comment:

Kim Brooke said...

A very interesting account with 16 links and 2 photos plus two good evaluations of your roles. Well done.