Wednesday 7 January 2009

My Interview with the Parish

Hello Again!

Today I am going to conduct another interview for our radio proggramme. I am going to have the interview with the head of the local Ecumenical Parish of Worle Revd Paul Larcombe. The interview is going to be held at St Martins Church in Worle at 11:00am.

The purpose for this interview is to get religous opinions of how commercial Christmas has become and would the recession help bring back the traditional family values this year?

The questions that I am going to ask are:

1. Has Christmas become more commercial in recent years and if so is it necessarily a bad thing?

2. Will the recession help bring back traditional family this Christmas?

Again I will be taking on the two same roles which I took on last time which are Interviewer and Production Sound Mixer.

I am sure that there is going to be a slight improvement into my interviewing and sound recording skills that I had learnt from my previous interview at the Greek Restauraunt.

I managed to book the equipment out a week in advance so that it would be ready for me to collect and to test to make sure that there isn't any technical diffuculties.

The equipment that I am going to use is the Fostex FR-2LE becuase I have had enough experience with using it before and I would know how to manually correct it if I got into any technical diffiulties.

I am confident with the questions that I am going to use as I had prepared them a week early and had run through with them with a member of the group in which they were satisfied with.

At 10:30 am I headed over to St Martins Church. As I know where the is place is I managed to arrive there 10 minutes early which was excellent as it had gave enough time to properly introduce myself to the Reverend.

After I had introduced my self to the Reverend I began to set up the equipment as he was making himself comfortable and looking through the questions beforehand.

Fortunately he has had experiences with interviews as he somtimes takes part in debates on religous radio stations. This made me feel relaxed as I knew that he wasn't going to be micrphone shy and that the interview recording is going to be at a good standard.

Before we began the interview we did a sound check the levels on his voice and at 11:00 we started the interview.

During the interview I had noticed that there was an improvement as my role as interviewer as I had seemed alot more confident in the direction the interview was going and I wasn't afraid or shy to ask any extra questions.

I also had noticed that there was an improvment as my role as Production Sound Mixer as I was comfortable in the enviroment that I was recording in and I was listening out to any unwanted sounds that might ruin the recording.

The interview had ended at 11:30am.

I was very satisfied with the interview as my Reverend had gave me some good interesting answers that would be very useful for our radio programme. He also had a very good voice for radio aswell!

1 comment:

Kim Brooke said...

Another good account with 13 links,and 2 photos.