Thursday 15 January 2009

End of 1st Semester Evaluation

Hello Everyone!
This is my last blog entry. Hooray!
Today I am doing an evaluation on my performance on this 1st semester. The areas that I will be evaluating on would be Group Work, Technical Skills and my aims for the next semester.
Group Work
As there is only three of us on the course now I am happy with the people that I have worked with on the group project and future projects yet to come.
We each seem to get on really well together and are not afraid to share any creative ideas with each other along with accepting constructive criticism.
Technical Skills
I am very pleased with the skills that I have learnt as I have never focussed on sound properly before.
I feel confident in operating ProTools along with identifying the two different types of microphones that there are along with having the basic knowledge in how they work.

I would like to have proper experience with using the different microphones in order to understand the different microphone placements that there are along with improving my confidence of working with them.

I would like to learn the about the build in effects that ProTools has and to understand how to use compression along with properly mixing down a session to a near professional standard.

My Future Aims
I am looking forward to the next semester as it will be focusing in on film and camera work which is the area that I am mainly interested in.

I am feeling quite excited about making my own individual film as it is something that I enjoy doing.
My main aim this semester would be to understand the craft of script writing and develop my own ideas and use them towards my individual film.

1 comment:

Kim Brooke said...

A brief end evaluation with 7 links,3 photos and 1 diagram.