Thursday 8 January 2009

Radio Edit


Today we are all finally editing our final mix of our radio project. The role I played today was Editor.
The responsibilities that I had in this role was to edit the interviews that I had conducted with the Greek Restaurant and the Parish by trimming down the tracks and correcting any audio clicks that occur when listening.
I had corrected these audio clicks by zooming in closely on to the sound wave where the error occurred. Once I found the error I then corrected it by extending the track by a fraction of a second to where the sound wave reaches zero db. This is known as a zero crossing point.

After correcting these errors I then arranged the tracks into a sequence structured by the rest of the group.

During this edit session we each took it in turns as role of editor so that would help give each of us a chance to use ProTools and build up our skills in handling the software.

My Role as Editor

As my role as editor I felt very confident in handling ProTools due to past experiences of editing past projects. I knew how to operate ProTools to an acceptable standard, which didn't lead me into getting into any technical difficulties.

The area I would like to improve on is to expand my knowledge of ProTools by learning how to use and understand the different effects like compression, delay, flange and d-verb.
I can achieve this by having one to one tuition with a tutor and practice by doing set exercises by editing other projects using these built in effects.

1 comment:

Kim Brooke said...

A good entry with 12 links, 1 photo and 1 diagram.