Saturday 11 April 2009

First Day of Filming!

Greetings Again!

Recentally Dean, Dan and I were out and about in Weston-Super-Mare filming cuttaway shots for our group project for BC1006. The locations we were filming at were Grove Park and the North Somerset Museum.

The purpose for filming these cuttaway shots is so that when editing we have loads of footage for editing a montage sequence or using them over the top of the veterans interviews.
The Camera we are using for filming our project with is the Sony PD150.

Our first location that we were filming at was Grove Park. In the park there is a war memorial to commemorate the memories the soldiers who died during the WW1 and WW2.

After filming in Grove Park we then headed off to the North Somerset Museum to film some more cuttaway shots using the museum exibits of WW2.

As we arrived at the museum we explored around the exbits of the towns history until we found the WW2 section. We were very pleased with the exibtions as they contained relics and artifacts from the war that were very intersting and useful to film for cuttaway shots.

At 5:00pm we all decided to call it a wrap. Our next film shoot would be on the 10/04/09 at the Somerset Legion House as we are due to interview the WW2 Veterans themselves about their memories of the war.

1 comment:

Kim Brooke said...

13 links, 6 x phoptos,