Monday 6 April 2009

Visiting the Legion House

Good Day Everyone!

Recently Dan and I went and to introduce our selfs to the management of the Legion House in order to get permission to interview the residents about their memories of WW2 for our group project for BC1006.

Our day begun by meeting Dan at Tesco Superstore in Weston-Super-Mare Town Centre and then head off for Orchard Street where the Legion House is supposed be situated.

My embarrassing lesson for myself and for everyone is to be very caucious of any road directions given from the internet becuase they're not always kept up to date. This lead to some confusion and deley.

The address that I have got about the Legion House being down Orchard was wrong. The address down Orchard Street lead us to an Adult Strip Bar called The Rock Gardens. We later discovered that the Legion House had moved to another location in town along the sea front not far from Clarence Park.

An embarrassing situation it was!

Fortunatley I had the correct address of the Legion House that I had found on the internet that was reliable and we both headed off to the location.

As soon as we got there we both introduced ourselfs and explained what our itentions are to the management. They were very helpful by looking into the reservations to see whether there are any WW2 veterans staying over the upcoming weeks. We finally got a date for the 08/04/09 when there are some veterans staying at the Legion House.
The management then reccommended that we should try the R.A.F. House that is situated right next door. The R.A.F. House operates the same as the Legion House but with Veterans who served in the R.A.F. We both then headed off next door to find that the min manager with who to deal with was away for the week. We both managed to get a phone number and our aim is to contact the manager the following week.

1 comment:

Kim Brooke said...

12 x links, 4 x photos.