Friday 22 May 2009

End of Project Evaluation

Hello Everyone!

This is an evaluation of our group project, which has now been completed.

The areas that I will evaluate on would be the group effort, time management, financial costs and the finished project itself.

Group Effort

From our past group project centred on making a radio programme we were each very familiar with working with each other that didn’t cause a problem. We each had to work together again as it wasn’t an option due to lack of students on the course.

Compared to our last project I felt that we each worked better together this time, as we are now more comfortable with interacting with each other.

Our main good quality within the group was that we each identified our own strengths and weaknesses within ourselves, which lead to each of us completing separate tasks in order to make the work load a lot easier.

During completing these tasks we all sent each other regular e-mails to keep ourselves updated with the different stages of the project.

We also helped each other out on location with any technical difficulties that arise like for example one of us didn’t know how to properly set the exposure levels manually on the camera. Instead of criticising the individual we helped out by teaching him the correct way of doing it. This allowed us to create a positive atmosphere within the group that made working on this project enjoyable.

Towards the end of the production we each took turns with the editing sessions to help split the workload so that it would help us get the project completed on time.

Our huge massive constraint within the group was that due lack of numbers it proved to get quite difficult at times especially when filming. We got around this by giving each other the main important jobs that each of us could handle. This unfortunately left the little jobs out that a fourth person could do like holding the reflector. This had sadly made us loose some quality when looking back at some of the filming.

Time Management

During the pre-production phase we as a group had created a production schedule that helped give us all an idea of the amount of time that we had to complete this film. Using this schedule helped us set targets for each of us to complete between certain dates in order for us to meet the projects deadline.

Financial Costs

There were unfortunately no financial costs to the making of this production. We had some money to pay for the costs of petrol for the car to transport us to set locations.

If we did have money we would use it to book out additional equipment like a crane or a dolly that would help improve the movement and the feel when watching the film.

But as there was no budget we couldn’t pay out for these additional things if we wanted to.

The Finished Project

I am happy to say that the finished project has turned out exactly in the way in which we had planned it during the brainstorming sessions.

I am pleased in the way that we had created the mood that we had wanted which was to make it sentimental towards the end of the film in remembrance to those who lost their lives during the war.

We achieved this with the choice of music that we had used along with the use of shots that we included during the montage sequences.

There are certain areas that I am not that happy with and that is the quality of some of the shots that were taken. There were some errors in the settings of the white balance and exposure levels that had occurred. Due to the lack of practise and experience of our skills this did cost us the loss of quality with some shots.

We can each improve on this by taking the camera out and having a go of experimenting with the manual settings and getting more confident with how to properly handle the camera.

1 comment:

Kim Brooke said...

6 x photos, 1 x illustration, 15 x links, good evaluation.