Sunday 18 April 2010

Diary Entry One

Diary Entry One

Hello Everyone!

Tomorrow I'm going on work experience for four days where I'm working at a production 
company called Suited and Booted based in Bath

Before starting work with the company I have done my home work and researched the company of what type of film work they do and who the people are who work there. 

Suited and Booted CIC was founded in 1999 is a highly successful award-winning production company that specialize in making films for the BANES (Bath Avon and North East Somerset) community. 

The Company Directors are Chris Kemp and Sara Strickland who would also be my immediate supervisors whilst I'm working there. 

The film projects that I'll be work on with them is called Health Trainers. The projects consists on creating 4000 DVDS for BANES NHS and Somerset NHS. The film will be mainly focussing on fully trained local people working within the community who'll be offering free, information along with support on how to make positive changes for a much healthier lifestyle. 

The DVD would be used to help provide public information on the Health Trainer Service and also as a resource for the Health Trainer Service recruitment. 

BANES and Somerset NHS has allowed Suited and Booted to use young participates under their trainee scheme, which would enable them to place a trainee/work experience (as myself) to work within the production team. This scheme helps create opportunities for young film makers to gain the experience they need in order to sell themselves in the Media Industry

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