Monday 19 April 2010

Diary Entry Five

Diary Entry Five


Today is the last day of my Work Experience

Today I'm expected in work at 10:00 am. The train got me to Bath at 9:45 am. 

The schedule of the day was to spend the day in the editing room with Ben Ridolfi and edit a project for the City of Bath Museum

The project was to create a 30 second clips of a artifact expert demonstrating how to use some of the museums features so people would learn how they were used centuries  years ago

During the edit we both encountered a problem with the footage as it was shot on a Cannon 5D Camera which films at 30 frames per second American standard where the British standard is at 25 frames per second. 

We had to convert the footage down to 25 frames by sending it through a software called Cinema Tools where we both managed to complete this operation. 

Ben also gave me some tips about how to organize my capture scratch data to a professional standard. 

Sara then gave me a job organizing some data on a laptop of previous projects for a youth film making club called Club Flix. I also had to set up a brief show reel of some animation projects the club has made as they intend to put it online on their community website. 

We finished an hour early as it was Easter Friday the next day. We all went for a drink and I managed to get approval from Chris and Sara to get some future Work Experience with them over the summer. 

Looking back at these four days I've got a lot out of my Work Experience as I was super keen to make a good impression to them as starting a career relies on good contacts and references. I learnt loads from my mentors there about how to achieve that professional quality and take what I have learnt into my individual projects and proper contract work.

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