Monday 19 April 2010

Diary Entry Four

Diary Entry Four


Today I was expected in at 10:00 am, I caught the same train as I did the previous days and I arrived to work at 9:45 am. 

Today I was to out to film with Chris and Elle to St Stephen's Primary School on the East side of Bath. 

Today I was reallocated onto the secondary camera by Chris as he wanted me to get some hands on experience with the cameras. 

The camera that I'll be using today would be the Sony A1 HDV. As we were scheduled to go out and film at 11:30 am I had the chance to practice using the camera and familiarize myself with the operating functions. 

At 11:15 am we headed off to the Primary School for which we arrived at 11:15 am. We first met the head mistress of the school where Chris gave me my instructions of what and where to film. I was responsible to film a lesson in the gymnasium and five aside football in the youth hall. 

I first went into the gymnasium. The biggest thing I found was that filming children was very difficult due to that there were so many things happening all at once, and there wasn't enough time to set up shot as all the actions were happening to quickly. I spent about 40 minutes in the gym and I managed to get a few good shots. 

I then headed off to the youth hall where I managed to film some five a side football

At 3:30 pm we arrived back at the office. Chris watched the footage that I filmed at the school and he gave me some tips and advice. His tips was to think more about shots that I'm about to take and how it would look during the editing process and not create more work for the editor with not enough flowing shots. 

He also advised that when setting up shots I should set up the focusing of the lens on a object, which is on the same depth of field as the subject I'm filming. 

He liked the overall work I done and said that there are some shots that are usable. 

I took all this information in and it helped me in the way of taking my camera work to a newer level for my own individual or contracted work. 

I finished work at 5:30 pm. 

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