Thursday 22 April 2010

Interview with Ben Ridolfi

Work Experience Interview with Ben Ridolfi

Hello Everyone!

I had an interview with Ben Ridolfi about how he got into the industry and the pros and cons of his job. 

Monish Kelly
1) How did you get into the Industry?

Ben Ridolfi

Well I did a B-TEC course at college and by the time I finished it my whole interest in media grew. I then went on and did a Foundation Degree at Uni and by the time I finished I looked for a job. I did various low paid jobs, some I even worked for free. But then a year later I got a job as a trainee editor here at Suited and Booted and thats as far as I have got so far.

Monish Kelly
2) What do you like about your job?

Ben Ridolfi

Well the main thing I like about the job is that your always working on or doing something completely different all the time. It's never boring and your always going out to film on location which is very interesting as you get to see various of the country you've never seen before.  

Monish Kelly
3) What don't you like about your job?

Ben Ridolfi

Hmmm. I have to say that one of the things that i don't enjoy is that there can be some really long hours either on location or especially in the editing room. There have been time where I'll be working from 9:00 in the morning till when ever the editing is completed, unfortunately when your doing a job like that you have to stay on till the job is completed. Thats the only hang I have with it.

Monish Kelly
4) Where do you see your self in the future?

Ben Ridolfi

 I see my self still working with Suited and Booted for the next couple of years, but I would like to go on and work for TV companies like ITV or perhaps even the BBC if I get an offer from them. But where i really see my self doing in the future would be perhaps to open up my own production company like this one and hopefully expand it into something big. 

End of Interview

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