Tuesday 4 May 2010

Media Event Entry 1



We have all been assigned to host a Media Event where our guests would consist on BTEC Media Student from the City of Bath College

Out of our group we each have been assigned to different roles to help contribute our efforts to put on an excellent event. Meg became the Event Organizer (The Boss).

The roles I have allocated my self is to organize the Finances, do Presentations and set up an Evaluation form to be completed by our guests at the end of the event. 

Today I have been sorting out the budget for the Media Event. Total I was given to work to was £200 which isn't alot but enough to cater for such a small event. 

The main areas that I had to spend on was the Guest Speaker who Jess is organizing and the catering who Fiona and Dean are responsible for. 

Out of £200 I decided to give £75.00 for the guest speaker, £68.00 on the catering which then leaves us on £57.oo for additional expenses. 

I then looked into the cost of transport for our guests and I was concerned that for private hire it'll be around £220.00 which exceeds the  budget. I raised this concern with Meg for which she then decided that public transport would be a much better option for this situation. 

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