Friday 3 October 2008


Today we had a quick recap of our exercise of recording vox pops. We took note over the amount of vox pops recorded and did a group self evaluation.

The areas I felt as though I could improve on were the levels of confidence of asking people in whether they would like to participate in the vox pops. I can improve on this next time by being a bit more prepared on what to say as approaching the person and be sure of the question that I am asking.

I also need to take into consideration of where to place the microphone during interviews in order to get a good quality recording for future projects. I can achieve this by getting some more hands on experience with using microphones so that I can plan ahead before recording my desired sound.

After evaluating we then headed down to Weston sea front to collect some more vox pops for our project. On the way to the location I thought about the places of where to find people who would hopefully contribute to the project and provide me some good answers.

The equipment I used to record today was a Sony Mini Disk rescorder type s. I shared the mini disk recorder with a fellow peer named Rich.

When I arrived at the sea front my first chosen location to ask questions were the Grand Pier. I chose this particular location becuase I thought that it would be a good place to ask people due to they would be relaxing on the pier to which they might be more easy to approach. I also thought that it would be a good idea to record the sounds of sea over the vox pops so that it would set the scene for the listener.

Unfortunately not as many people as I originally hoped didn't want to participate in the vox pops. Even the ones who did participate completely missed the point of the question and didn't give the answer that I hoped to get.

After recording at the Grand Pier Rich and I then thought about recording down the High Street because of the possibilty of recording lots of vox pops from so many different people. But dissapointingly this didn't work out because nearly everyone were in such a hury that they couldn't spare us any time.

After the High Street we both decided to head back to the Grand Pier where it would be more relaxed and certain people would like to contribute to our project.

After collecting our vox pops we then headed back to the college to import our sound files from our mini disk recorders into Pro Tools.

I felt as though there was a slight improvement with asking people to participate in vox pops then the previous time because I was more confident in approaching people and I was deciding on places of where to record as many vox pops as possible.

The things that I can improve next time would be to collect resources from as many different people as possible via their age, gender and ethnicity. I think that this is important due to fact that I would recieve as many different answers and opinions that would make future projects much more inovative.


Kim Brooke said...

A very good second log with 18 links (several repeats) and 5 photos. Good to see a photo of yourself in role as researcher/editor. Don't forget to comment on the different roles you perform on the course. Good to see you evaluating your own performance and noting the improvement in your skills week by week.

Kim Brooke said...

Forgot to say 1 link is not working as it is blocked by Weston College, the gender link. Maybe you could find an alternative.