Sunday 17 May 2009

Edit Day!

Hello Everyone!

Today we began editing our Memories of WW2 documentary as our deadline is not that far away.

The primary role that I had played for today was film editor.

We began the editing session by tranfering data over from our DV Tapes of all the footage that we have filmed in the recent weeks. The software that we were transferring over to was Final Cut Pro. Final Cut Pro is a professional non linear editing sofware software which is used through out the media industry.

After transferring all the data over Dean and I watched some of the interview footage to see whether which one is suitable enough to use for editing. Before hand we decided that we would use two interviews from each location that we filmed at. Although we only had a chance to film at two proper locations including a third one which was Dean's nans house would then make it five interviews to feature in the documentary.

Unfortunatley Dan couldn't make today so Dean and I managed to split the work load between us by taking it inturns to edit. We both agreed to edit for a hour and a half each.

I began editing the interviews first. The first interview that I had edited was Deans nan.

Our next target for the next editing session is to record Dan's voice overs.

My Role as Film Editor

I was not afraid of editing as I am very familiar with operating Final Cut Pro, which allowed me to produce work to an acceptable standard. I was able to use the software without getting into any technical difficulties.

1 comment:

Kim Brooke said...

3 x photos, 1 x screengrab, 4 x links.