Thursday 8 January 2009

Media Regulators


Today I was researching on the broadcasting regulations within the media industry. The main media regulator that we looked at were Ofcom and ASA. During my research I looked into an organisation called PACT.

Media regulators are there to help protect consumers from harmful or offensive material and that programs are running in compliant with the broadcasting codes and regulations. 


Ofcom (The Office of Communications) is an independent regulator which monitors five different regulatory bodies:
Ofcom deals with any specific complaints made by viewers and listeners if any offense is taken during a program.

The process that Ofcom goes through when received a complaint is that it asks the broadcaster for a copy of the program. The broadcast regulators then examine the material to see whether it is in breach of the broadcasting code.

The ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) is an independent self-regulatory organisation that regulates the advertising industry within the United Kingdom

Their main priority regulate the contents of the advertisements by monitoring the adverts for any offensive or harmful material. They make sure that the adverts are not misleading to the public and that the advertisement are compliant with the advertising codes.

When complaints arise from members of the public the ASA deals with them by making a full investigation by viewing the material to see whether there are any rules broken. 


PACT (The Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television) is the UK trading association that focuses on representing and promoting independent features including television, feature film, animation and media production companies

The organisation has a council whom are elected by members of PACT to ensure that the peoples interests are being  met by the organisation. 

1 comment:

Kim Brooke said...

A fairly brief look at the regulatory side of the industry with 27 links and 4 logos.