Thursday 8 January 2009

Radio Evaluation

Hello Everyone!

This is a evaluation of our radio project which is now thankfully completed.

The areas that I will evaluate would be the group effort, time management, financial costs, and the finished project.

Group Effort

As a group we worked very well together because we each contributed our own efforts which made the work load easier and it helped us reach our deadline.

There was very good communication within the group as we sent each other regular emails to keep us all up dated of where each of us are of our tasks. We also held group meetings so that we can see where the project is at and also to set each of us new tasks to contribute to the project.

During these meetings we had each expressed creative opinions towards the project and received some positive reactions. We also each took on some on board constructive criticism and helped each other into developing our ideas and skills.

The only main constraint we had was that a certain individual member of the group didn't contribute their own efforts enough. We tried to overcome this by having a meeting with him to discuss the current situation and left it to his own responsibility.

The only main problem that we had as a group was that there was a slight confusion amongst ourselves about the idea of our radio programme and that it took us a while to finally decide on what we were going to do. This confusion was caused by the lack of general knowledge towards the subject that was easily overcome by looking into available resources of research that provided us with information towards the topic of our show. By doing this research it helped us to see more clearly of how to structure and present our show along with finally settling on our decision.

Time Management

I had found that we had a short amount of time in creating the show. As a group we had created a production schedule displaying the amount of production time that we had. Using this schedule we managed to set ourselves individual targets between certain dates in order to meet the projects deadline.

Financial Costs

Luckily there were no financial costs towards the production besides the cost of fuel for transporting ourselves to recording locations.

Another financial matter that we came across were that we could've almost paid royalty fees to music publishers as we were at the time were hoping to use christmas songs for the radio show.

As we had learnt during class lessons there is a website called MCPS-PRS where you contact music publishers to legally use their music with getting into any legal trouble.

The Finished Project

I found the finished project to be very satisfying as it turned out exactly as we had planned during pre-production.

The area that I had found disappointing is that due to royalty matters we were unable to use any Christmas pop songs due to legal issues of copyright. We had overcame this by using some copyright free music that we found on the Internet.

I was happy with the quality of sound but there were a few errors of unwanted background noise. This can be mainly heard during the interviews and vox pops as they're mainly recorded on outdoor location and not in a properly sound proofed recording studio. For future projects when recording on outdoor location we need to listen very carefully to any interferences that might ruin the recording.

1 comment:

Kim Brooke said...

A good entry with 22 links,4 photos and 1 logo.